New Questionnaire Response
(Survey aim not available) (duration not available) (date not available) (contact information not available) This is a test survey, designed for demonstration purposes for the TInnGO project. 20 31 August 2019 Dr. Fotis K. Liotopoulos ( (Survey aim not available) (duration not available) (date not available) (contact information not available) (Survey aim not available) (duration not available) (date not available) (contact information not available) (Survey aim not available) (duration not available) (date not available) (contact information not available) (Survey aim not available) (duration not available) (date not available) (contact information not available) (Survey aim not available) (duration not available) (date not available) (contact information not available) This survey is for demonstration purposes 15 31/12/2021 John Doe ( (Survey aim not available) (duration not available) (date not available) (contact information not available) (Survey aim not available) (duration not available) (date not available) (contact information not available) (Survey aim not available) (duration not available) (date not available) (contact information not available) (Survey aim not available) (duration not available) (date not available) (contact information not available) TEST - TEST - TEST 15 31/8/2019 Dr. Fotis K. Liotopoulos ( Integral Consulting R&D Bucuresti - INTECO participă în prezent la proiectul UE cu o durată de trei ani “TInnGO -Transport Innovation Gender Observatory ”/ ‘’Observator pentru inovare în transporturi legat de aspectul discriminarii de gen’’( )
Este primul proiect major UE de acest tip, care abordează egalitatea ş diversitatea de gen în sectorul transportului.
"Mobilitatea inteligentă" este un domeniu nou în sectorul transportului, însemnând noi mijloace de călătorie, cu noi servicii şi noi tipuri de informare la care trebuie să se adapteze călătorii. De exemplu, “mobilitatea inteligentă” implică digitalizarea şi automatizarea mijloacelor de transport. Este important ca tranziţia spre o mobilitate mai inteligentă să se facă astfel încât toţi călătorii să aibă acces corespunzător la oportunităţile de servicii şi călătorie.
În cadrul proiectului TinnGO vom prezenta, testa şi elabora metode şi instrumente pentru a face ca, pe viitor, sistemul de transport să fie în mai mare măsură egal şi inclusiv pentru toţi călătorii.
Un prim pas este de a prezenta situaţia existentă în ţările europene. Cum funcţionează în prezent egalitatea şi diversitatea de gen în domeniul transportului la nivel naţional, regional şi municipal? Cum sunt reprezentaţi femeile şi bărbaţii ? La ce metode şi instrumente are acces planificarea în transporturi la diferite niveluri? Ce cunoştinţe lipsesc ? Răspunzând la acest sondaj, organizaţia dvs. contribuie la realizarea prezentării.
Sondajul constă în 20 de întrebări referitoare, de exemplu, la cine din organizaţie răspunde de şi lucrează la chestiunile legate de transport şi egalitate şi diversitate de gen, ce instrumente, modele şi metode se folosesc şi care este competenţa organizaţiei privind aceste aspecte. De asemenea, se poate reflecta liber pe această tematică.
Estimăm că durata completării sondajului va fi de 30 de minute, în funcţie de câte informaţii are organizaţia în prezent şi de câte informaţii suplimentare doriţi să furnizaţi.
Răspunsurile dvs. ajută la dezvoltarea sistemului de transport în direcţia realizării unei mai mari egalităţi şi diversităţi de gen.
Sondajul va fi făcut cunoscut partenerilor noştri din Europa şi, printr-un scurt raport, organizaţiilor participante. De asemenea, se poate participa la un studiu de caz după sondaj : studiul de caz va consta din interviuri şi probabil, workshopuri şi seminarii care se vor stabili printr-un dialog cu organizaţiile participante.
Dacă doriţi mai multe informaţii referitoare la studiu, sau dacă doriţi deja să vă oferiţi pentru un studiu de caz, vă rugăm să ne trimiteţi datele de contact (nume complet, adresă e-mail şi număr de telefon).
Mulţumim anticipat pentru participare. 20 min (date not available) Lena Levin ( (Survey aim not available) 30 minutes (date not available) Lena Levin ( (Survey aim not available) (duration not available) (date not available) (contact information not available) This survey is part of a research project about how specific kind of people chooses their transport. The study aims to provide a basis for the development of sustainable transport and future transport services in Europe. The research is part of TInnGO European project coordinated by the Coventry University ( 15 1.12.2021 Andree Woodcock, This survey is part of a research project aiming at characterizing peoples’ perception of the chosen transport modes and evaluating the opportunities available in the transport sector. The study aims to provide a basis for the development of sustainable transport and future transport services in Europe. The research is part of TInnGO European project coordinated by the Coventry University (
As a participant, you will be asked to answer some questions about your satisfaction as a worker of the transport sector, and opinions according to your position in the sector. The task is straightforward, and it takes around 15 minutes to complete.
This study has been reviewed and approved through Coventry University’s research ethics procedure. There are no significant risks associated with participation. Your answers will be made anonymous and stored encrypted in agreement with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament on the protection of natural persons concerning the processing of personal data. Answers will be analyzed and reported as statistics results (i.e., aggregated with other participant’s responses). Thus, your replies cannot be identified, and your privacy is self-guarded. If you are unhappy with any aspect of this research, please first contact the lead researcher, Andree Woodcock, If you still have concerns and wish to make a formal complaint, please write to Neil Forbes, Acting Associate Dean, Research
Your participation is voluntary, and you can withdraw at any moment. The results, and/or the aggregated anonymous survey replies, may be used in future research projects 15 minutes 1.12.2021 Andree Woodcock, Validation of some measures to improve the safety and security and accesibility in mobility trips 6 minutes yes
What is the purpose of the project?
The overall aim of this project is to develop a pan-European information/knowledge platform for gender-specific intelligent transport innovation to serve as a hub for data collection, analysis & dissemination of gender mainstreaming tools & open innovation. TInnGO will collect existing knowledge from 10 EU countries to provoke a rethinking in the planning & implementation of concrete mobility strategies. The main objective is to address current gender- specific challenges & mobility needs of different groups of people, especially women.
Lead on the project
The project is being led by Professor Andree Woodcock at Coventry University.
Aim of this survey
Your participation
Your participation in this survey is entirely voluntary, and you can opt out at any stage by closing and exiting the browser. Your answers will help us to address the project aims/outcomes listed above.
Length of survey
The survey should take approximately minutes to complete.
Data Protection
Your answers will be treated confidentially and the information you provide will be kept anonymous in any research outputs/publications. Your data will be processed in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation 2016 (GDPR) and the Data Protection Act 2018. Your data will be held securely within the EU (cloud storage in and will only be viewed by the researcher/research team. All data will be deleted by 1.12.2021.
You are free to withdraw your questionnaire responses from the project data set at any time until the data are destroyed on 1.12.2021 or until the data are fully anonymised in our records on . You should note that your data may be used in the production of formal research outputs (e.g. journal articles, conference papers, theses and reports) prior to this date and so you are advised to contact the university at the earliest opportunity should you wish to withdraw from the study. To withdraw, please contact the lead researcher (contact details are provided below). Please also contact the Faculty Research Support Office (email; telephone +44(0)2477658461) so that your request can be dealt with promptly in the event of the lead researcher's absence. You do not need to give a reason. A decision to withdraw, or not to take part, will not affect you in any way.
Data Controller
Coventry University is a Data Controller for the information you provide. You have the right to access information held about you. Your right of access can be exercised in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation and the Data Protection Act 2018. You also have other rights including rights of correction, erasure, objection, and data portability. For more details, including the right to lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioner's Office, please visit Questions, comments and requests about your personal data can also be sent to the University Data Protection Officer -
The TInnGO Surveys platform complies with Coventry University's ethical framework and it is GDPR-compliant, and the project has been reviewed and approved through the formal Research Ethics procedure at Coventry University. For further information, or if you have any queries, please contact the project coordinator (Professor Andree Woodcock, or the lead-researcher of the survey (). If you have any concerns that cannot be resolved through the lead researcher, please contact Neil Forbes, Acting Associate Dean, Research Thank you for taking the time to participate in this survey. Your help is very much appreciated.
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